Holiday Inn Montréal/Longueuil
900, rue St-Charles Est
Longueuil, Qc J4H 3Y2
Sans frais / Toll Free : 1-800-263-0159
***Group code: CQ3
- Starting at $146 + tax
- Breakfast (buffet) from $14
- Free parking and WiFi
- At 2.4 km from the competition location
- No deadline for booking
Hôtel Sandman
999, rue Sévigny
Longueuil, Qc J4K 2T1
Tél sans frais : 1-800-493-7303
Toll free : 1-800-726-3626
*** Group code: groupe Virtuose 2020 code 652078
- Starting at 126$ + tx
- Free parking and WiFi
- At 4 km from the competition location
- Deadline to book: March 1st, 2020