Learning Management System


Our NCCP coach education course materials are available on our Learning Management System. This environmentally friendly online innovation allows Gymnastics Canada to continuously update all course content and offer a more complete service to our members. We are proud to offer the following features:

1. Distribution of training manuals in PDF format

A beautiful green initiative! Gymnastics Canada reduces our environmental impact by providing a PDF version of our coach education manuals. This substantially simplifies the course materials delivery process. 

2. Training Videos

The online course materials now include professional videos to help understand the theory and technical content learned in each course. 

Coming soon…

Theoretical training – e-learning

E-learning will simplify the training process, increase the ease of accessibility to some theoretical course materials, and provide more tailored, user-friendly content.

Exams, online quizzes, and online portfolio submission

These features will assess the knowledge of coaches and optimize the evaluation process and analysis of portfolios, which will greatly simplify the evaluation process. 

To create an account on the Learning Management System, users must first register for a course through their Provincial Gymnastics Federation, at which time they will receive an invitation from Gymnastics Canada to create their online profile.

For more information, click here https://gymcan.didacte.com/

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