Safe Sport



Gymnastics Canada embraces our responsibility to create, foster, and preserve sport settings that ensure positive, healthy, and fulfilling experiences for all individuals. We believe that a Safe Sport environment prioritizes the welfare, safety, and rights of every participant at all times.

To cultivate this environment, Gymnastics Canada has developed a Safe Sport Framework, which serves as an overarching guide for our vision of and commitment to Safe Sport and the corresponding policy, education, and advocacy initiatives that strive to further strengthen the administration and delivery of our programs, events, and services. With this framework, Gymnastics Canada will collaborate with our community to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment where all participants may find joy in their pursuits of excellence.

Gymnastics Canada signed an agreement with Abuse Free Sport on October 18th, 2022 and completed the transition process regarding policy revision and consent requirements by December 19, 2022.  Upon completion of this process, some complaints regarding abuse and maltreatment will now be managed through the Abuse Free Sport process.


Safe Sport refers to the process and measures implemented to protect and effectively care for the health, well-being, and human rights of all participants in the Gymnastics Canada community, especially children and youth. Individuals participating in all disciplines of gymnastics in Canada, including athletes, coaches, officials, sport administrators, volunteers and others should be able to engage in a sport environment free from abuse, discrimination and potential harm. 


Gymnastics Canada is committed to being a leader in Canada and abroad in providing a safe and inclusive gymnastics environment for all individuals. Safe, healthy, and inclusive gymnastics is represented by the prioritization of individuals’ current and future well-being above all else.


Creating and fostering a Safe Sport environment and culture is paramount in the administration and delivery of all gymnastics programs in Canada and throughout international participation by Gymnastics Canada and its members. As a result, it is expected that all participants of Gymnastics Canada will:

  1. Prioritize the current and future well-being of each participant above all else.
  2. Act in the best interests of all participants involved in our programs and activities.
  3. Respect, value, and champion the rights of all individuals in the gymnastics community at all times.
  4. Engage in behaviours and practices that are ethical, developmentally-appropriate, and support the physical, psychological, social, and emotional welfare of participants.
  5. Actively encourage meaningful inclusion of individuals irrespective of their age, race, colour, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, language, religion, national or social origin, property, birth, physical or developmental abilities, athletic ability, or other status.*
  6. Strive to create joyful, positive, and growth-enhancing sport experiences.
  7. Advocate for safe sport environments on local, national, and international stages.

*If there are any groups omitted from this list, please advise Gymnastics Canada and the list will be amended if appropriate.


Gymnastics Canada’s Safe Sport Framework is founded upon three pillars:


A comprehensive set of principles that establish expected behaviour, guide decision-making, and promote accountability for all individuals associated with Gymnastics Canada.


Activities that enhance knowledge, develop reasoning and judgment, as well as foster positive interactions and practices in the community.


Initiatives that create awareness, inspire, and actively promote Gymnastics Canada’s Safe Sport vision and principles in all local, national, and international activities.


The three pillars will be reflected in the following broad topic areas that fall under the Safe Sport Framework umbrella:

Abuse Prevention and Response:

Preventing harm, identifying potential misconduct, and building confidence to act and report misconduct. Also complaint handling and discipline, and supporting and advancing positive practices in all gymnastics environments. 

Equity and Inclusion:

Promoting fair treatment and purposeful inclusion of all participants regardless of age, race, colour, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, language, religion, national or social origin, property, birth, physical or developmental abilities, athletic ability or other status.

Health and Wellness:

Supporting and enhancing the physical, psychological, emotional, and social welfare of all individuals in the gymnastics community.

Risk Management:

Proactive measures to facilitate and support the Safe Sport program, including recruitment, screening and orientation.

Click here for resources related to these topic areas 

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