Colton Kent

Calgary, AB

Brett MacAuley

Birthplace: Vancouver, BC
Year of Birth: 1989
Club: Calgary Gymnastics Centre
Favourite Event: Double Mini-Trampoline
Follow me on Instagram: colton_kent89

Like many gymnasts, Colton was first put into gymnastics by his parents due to an overabundance of energy at the age of three. His sister was a senior-level gymnast who earned a full scholarship to pursue gymnastics in the U.S. and is often his inspiration to work harder and to set his goals higher. He loves the feeling of weightlessness you experience at the top of the bounce – it feels like flying!

Most memorable moment: Being named to the 2015 World Championships team.

Odds and ends: Has been a type 1 diabetic since the age of seven… Wants to travel the world and learn how to sail…

Favourite quote: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

Colton Kent

  • 2015
  • Canadian Championships (Calgary, AB)
  • 8th Double Mini Trampoline