The WAG Aspire Camps Program is a component of the Canadian WAG system for the long term elite development of our upcoming athletes and coaches. The program first began in 2014 and will be further developed in the next quadrennial from 2016-2020.
These camps focus on specific technical development for basics leading towards more advanced skills on all events, along with sessions related to physical development, psychology, injury prevention, nutrition, artistic development and coach technical sessions. Gymnastics Canada identifies expert coaches who are assigned at each apparatus, and where possible will be consistent from camp to camp. Though technical development of the athletes is one of the goals of the Aspire camp program, the camps are also meant to be coach centric. Developing athlete AND coach competencies will enhance the daily training environment in the gyms across Canada, which is essential to long term development.
Coaches are expected to attend all sessions outlined in the schedule. Simultaneously activities will be planned for athletes with supervision which will allow all coaches to attend any mandatory sessions that are coach only.
The Aspire camps take place three to four times per year across Canada. They will be 2-4 days in length and will feature one-two sessions per day in the gym as well as coach and athlete sessions during the day.
For the technical documents please visit our documents page.