Gymnastics Master Coach Developers share their passions for coaching as part of 2022 National Coaches Week

Supporting gymnastic coaches across Canada, are the NCCP Master Coach Developers. Gymnastics Canada is proud to be sharing the stories of four NCCP Master Coach Developers now.

Rick McCharles is a Master Coach Developer from Alberta, who has been working in coach development for more than 40 years. Additionally, Rick is also considered to be a FIG International Expert in coach education and is the co-author of some Women’s and Men’s Artistic Gymnastics NCCP courses.

“As a passionate student of coaching, I’ve always enjoyed sharing my knowledge and experience.  I learn something, too, at every course I lead;” shared Rick McCharles when asked why he enjoys being a coach developer. “That goes not only in Canada, but around the world as I’ve done courses for FIG in over 25 different nations.”

Over the last year, Kara Thorpe joined the CanGym Active Start program revitalization as a Master Coach Developer, where she was happy to work alongside very passionate people, creating content that can be delivered online and ensuring coaches are receiving the most up to date training. Thorpe has previously been named Gymnastics Saskatchewan’s Gym for All Coach of the Year and has been a coach developer since 2008.

When asked to share her experiences as a coach developer, Thorpe said “If we spark the love of physical literacy in our participants, the possibilities are endless! High performance to Gymnaestrada, we are here to celebrate everyone’s successes!”

Antoine Vallières has been an NCCP coach developer for 11 years and has had the opportunity to be lead author on the Trampoline Gymnastics competition courses. Vallières is from Québec and is one of the bilingual Master Coach Developers in gymnastics, and he is also associated with the Advanced Coaching Diploma at INS Québec.

“I met a coach in a NCCP course that told me she had decided to become a full-time coach after attending another one of my courses;” shared Vallières about his experiences as a Master Coach Developer. “I never imagined that delivering courses with enthusiasm could have such an impact on the participants.”

With more than 37 years as a coach developer, June Booth is a Master Coach Developer in Trampoline Gymnastics as well as Men’s Artistic Gymnastics. Booth is from British Columbia and has been named a Member of Distinction by Gymnastics BC, as well as a Life Member of Gymnastics Canada in recognition of her great contribution to the sport.

“Having been a career coach and owning a gymnastics club, I love to share the knowledge and get new coaches certified and enthusiastic about the sport,” shared June Booth when asked why she loves being a coach developer.

This week, Gymnastics Canada says thanks to our coaches and our coach developers from coast to coast.

First established in 1969, Gymnastics Canada has been supporting the mastery of movement in Canada for five decades as the national governing body for the sport of gymnastics in Canada. We work closely with the twelve provincial federations and 700 local clubs to provide a broad range of programs and services to meet the needs of all participants. From athlete development to coach and judge education, Gymnastics Canada sets the operating standards and practices for the sport in Canada. Our mandate is to promote and provide positive and diverse gymnastics experiences through the delivery of quality and safe gymnastics programming. Visit for more information or follow us @gymcan1. From here, we soar.


For more information, contact:
Taylor Matthews
Gymnastics Canada