Exceptional dedication and leadership require recognition.
Gymnastics Canada and its Board of Directors value the contributions made by the entire community to the development and the advancement of gymnastics in Canada and internationally.
In recognition of these outstanding contributions, GCG has an established awards system, which recognizes the worthy contributions of volunteers/individuals, staff, and clubs/organizations in the various disciplines and in the administration of gymnastics in Canada. Without the dedication and contributions of these individuals and organizations, it would not be possible for Gymnastics Canada to meet its goals and for the gymnasts to attain their full potential as athletes and to grow as individuals.
Life Membership
The GCG Life Membership is a special award that honours and recognizes individuals who have provided long time service to the Federation (GCG Policy Section 24.3.2).
Specific selection criteria includes:
- Years of service – minimum 15 years;
- Level of involvement: International, national, provincial, regional, club;
- Variety of roles: Coach, judge, athlete, manager, event organizer, GCG representative (FIG, PAGU, COC, etc.); committee/board of director member.
Malcolm Hogarth Leadership Award
The Malcolm Hogarth Leadership Award is to be presented to a member for long time exceptional service for the development and advancement of gymnastics at the International level (FIG/PAGU etc.), and/or at the national level through other multi-sport organizations (COC/CGC etc.).
Malcolm Hogarth was president of the Ottawa Gymnastics Club, Director for the Eastern Region for the Ontario Gymnastics Federation (1978-1980), Vice-President of the Canadian Gymnastics Federation (1980-1982), and President of the Canadian Gymnastics Federation from 1982-1990. While in this position he helped initiate quadrennial planning for the Federation and was instrumental in his role as Canada’s representative to the International Gymnastics Federation in obtaining the 1985 World Championships for Montreal. In addition to his role as President of the National Federation, he also served as Vice-President of the Pacific Alliance of National Gymnastics Federations and as both Vice-President and President of the Commonwealth Gymnastics Confederation.
A maximum of one award will be presented to the individual who has earned the highest number of points according to the criteria grid. The winner must earn a minimum of 100 points and service must be in both the domestic (Canadian) and international areas. Service in the multi-sport area is desirable but not required. The total number of points is determined accumulatively, not annually.
Jay Goold Memorial Award
The Jay Goold Memorial Award is presented to an individual for long time exceptional nontechnical administrative leadership to Gymnastics Canada.
Jay Goold worked on both the Gymnastics Ontario and Gymnastics Canada Boards of Directors for many years as an excellent organizer and administrator. Jay provided guidance to other volunteer committee members and continually mentored new volunteers to get involved in gymnastics.
Dr. Gene Sutton Memorial Award
The Dr. Gene Sutton Memorial Award is presented to a volunteer for long time exceptional event/competition management leadership to Gymnastics Canada.
Dr. Sutton provided exceptional leadership to Gymnastics in Canada, as well as the sport community in general, for more than 30 years. One of her major areas of contribution was event management of gymnastics competitions from provincial/regional to international levels with a major focus at the national level. This special award is given to individuals who reflect Dr. Sutton’s passion for gymnastics and long-time exceptional leadership in organizing and directing gymnastics competitions in Canada.
Ed Brougham Club Award
Gymnastics Canada, in honor of Ed Brougham, has established the Ed Brougham Club Awards to be presented to Canadian gymnastic clubs that have demonstrated exceptional services and provided an outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of the sport of gymnastics at the national & provincial / territorial level.
Beverly Miller Memorial Award
The Beverly Miller Memorial Award is presented to an individual staff member of Gymnastics Canada or a provincial/territorial gymnastics organization (member of GCG) for long-time exceptional administrative excellence and leadership.
Beverly Miller provided exceptional administrative service and leadership as the Executive Assistant for Gymnastics Canada for more than 30 years. She was an administrative leader in all program areas where she provided exemplary services to athletes, coaches, judges, and volunteers and also served as the secretary and administrative assistant for the Board of Directors.
Gymnastics Canada Merit Award
This special award recognizes extraordinary and outstanding contributions or services to Gymnastics Canada and/or the gymnastics community by an outside organization and/or individual. The intent of this award is not to duplicate or replace any current GCG Award, but to recognize special contributions that may not otherwise be formally recognized.
- An organization and/or individual who is not a member of Gymnastics Canada;
- Made an exceptional and/or outstanding contribution or service to GCG and gymnastics;
- Impact on the sport as a promoter, ambassador, and/or role model(s);
- Impact on individuals, clubs, groups, programs, and/or services;
- Impact on the gymnastics community at any level;
- Overall merit;
- Leadership and other qualities.
National Volunteer Service Awards
The criteria for National Volunteer Service Awards are:
A volunteer who has served gymnastics at the national Level for a twenty-five (25), fifteen (15), ten (10), or five (5) year period will be awarded a quality diamond, gold, silver, or bronze GCG pin respectively. A special invitation will be sent to the diamond and gold award recipients to be presented at the AGM Awards Gala. The silver and bronze awards will be presented at the AGM Awards Gala if the recipients are already going to be attending the AGM. If not, their awards will be sent to the recipients with a letter of congratulations or given to their Provincial President for presentation at a suitable time and place.
Retired Athlete Recognition Awards
Recognition shall be given to retired National Team athletes who have made a significant contribution to gymnastics over a period of years. These awards are presented at the AGM Awards Gala following the end of the Olympic cycle, once every four years. The GCG staff member on the Awards Committee will be responsible for the production of the awards and will also maintain a plaque in the national office listing the gold, silver, and bronze level gymnasts.
Coach Recognition Awards
These awards recognize coaches who have made a significant contribution to Canadian gymnastics over a period of years as a coach at major international events. A coach who has contributed to the Canadian international scene for three or more quadrennials will be awarded gold recognition. A coach who has contributed to the Canadian international scene for two quadrennials will be awarded silver recognition. A coach who has contributed to the Canadian international scene for one quadrennial will be awarded bronze recognition.
Contribution is defined as the active current coach of an athlete who competes for Canada at an Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, World Games, or World Cup Final.
These awards are presented at the AGM Awards Gala following the end of the Olympic cycle, once every four years.
Judge Recognition Awards
Brevet judges who have made a significant contribution to gymnastics over a period of years as an international judge are recognized by these awards. A judge who has judged for Canada during three or more quadrennials will be awarded gold recognition. A judge who has judged for Canada during two quadrennials will be awarded silver recognition. A judge who has judged for Canada during one quadrennial will be awarded bronze recognition.
Contribution is defined as a named judge for Canada at an Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, World Games, or World Cup Final.
These awards are presented at the AGM Awards Gala following the end of the Olympic cycle, once every four years.